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Perfect Wedding Decor Plan

Perfect Wedding Decor Plan

How does this wedding decor work? What exactly a decor plan is and how to nail it? So many questions! This blog is the answer to all these questions. We are going to start from scratch and will discuss how to plan a wedding decor. We will cover all the important points that you need to understand while planning a decor. Even if you are hiring a wedding planner for this, it’s okay. You can still find this blog worth a read as it will help you in double-checking all the decor.


Choosing The Theme

The first and foremost important thing is to choose the theme. It can be anything. I mean anything! You can plan your whole wedding decor around a single color or a pattern. You can even decide to go without a theme, that is also a theme. So the theme just means that one single thing around which the rest of the things depends on. At the wedding, the theme is around the whole decor. You can choose some wedding props as well for your decor. Some examples are vintage, urban fashion, fairy tale themes, etc.


Table Setup

Hospitality is very important. You cannot take the guests lightly. During the whole course of the wedding, guests are going to take a seat. They are not going to stand the whole time. They will take a rest, and have some food. All these things are going to happen on a table. So it becomes very important to decorate the table. Do not go too much. As that might irritate the guest. Just try to match the theme of the wedding and simply decorate the table. If you want to avoid putting decoratives on the table, you can opt for matching tableware as well. The colors should match, that’s it!



The first impression is the last. The very first impression people are going to make of you is from your entrance decor. It should be of top quality. Decorate the whole entrance. Get some wedding props over there. Try to decorate in such a way that it catches everyone’s attention. The entrance should give an idea about the theme of the wedding. As the guests move further they should relate the theme with that of the entrance. Try to cover the whole entry passage in the decor plan. The energy should be the same, from the starting of the entrance to the venue.



All eyes will be on the couple. Wherever they will go, a camera and people are gonna watch them. So you have to make sure everything around them looks superb. It would surely look bad if the couple is there in stunning outfits but the background decor is dull. So keep an eye on it. 


Also do not decorate it too much so that it does not take all the limelight from the couple. Make sure it doesn’t look awkward. No over, no less. Go for a moderate amount of decor. It may happen that the amount of decor of the backdrop of the couple is not matching with the rest, but it’s okay. We have to decorate the backdrop neutrally. We just have to make sure the background of the couple doesn’t look weird or dull, this is our only goal.


Wedding Props

We or the wedding planners can’t cover all the areas. There will be some areas that will be far from the approach of decor. What you can do is you can put some wedding props that match the wedding theme. If you have chosen a color-based wedding, then pick wedding props of that color. If you have chosen a particular wedding theme, then getting props will become very easy. Although it’s easy even in the first case. Everything just depends upon the kind of theme you have chosen and the kind of extras you want to fill the void.



The wedding decor plan is a very tough task. It requires hard work and creativity at the same time. Many times people complain that due to excessive work, their creativity is lost. So my suggestion is to hire a wedding planner to do the task.


They are the best at this business and will surely nail your wedding decor. Remember this name, Melting Flowers. These are specialists and will make sure your wedding decor looks superb. Do not forget to check them out.

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